Monday, February 7, 2011

50 Disney Movies in a Month

My family goes to Disney as much as we can. Last time we visited the happiest place on Earth (and, might I add, one of my personal favorite places on this planet) was in 2007. Our next scheduled trip is in April of this year. I'm excited and can't wait to return there.

I'm a Disney fan through and through. Grew up watching all the movies and love every bit of it. We still have home movies of past Disney trips that we watch, remembering the times when we were young and enjoying what the park had to offer us.

Tangled was the 50th animated movie for Disney to release (not counting any sequeals and such). I'm amazed at this feat and very happy about it. This is just a testament to one of my true fandoms. the dvd for Tangled comes out March 29th and I've came up with this rather fanatic idea, to watch all 50 movies in a month. Now I could actually start this in March and celebrate watching the 50th on the 29th when I buy Tangled. But I think I want to allow our Disney vacation in April to be the crowning star on my marathon. Or perhaps maybe do a 50 day marathon if I can time it to end the day before our vacation. I would blog about the movies every day. This just seems like its going to be so fun!

My only thing is getting all the movies. We have A LOT of Disney movies on dvd and Blu-ray, but we unfortunately do not own all 50. I am going to start buying some that we don't have in preparation for the marathon, but some may be difficult to get or have been returned to the vault meaning they are uber expensive on eBay or such.

I'll make a list of the Disney movies we own tomorrow to better prepare myself on my hunt for the movies. Some may have to be rented from various sources (Netflix, movie rental store) so I'm able to have them for the marathon.

VERY EXCITED! It's an easy marathon to have, especially if I only have to watch a movie a day and the movies average about 90 minutes or shorter. I'm ready to start this, but certainly must collect the movies first and want Disney to be the end result! Maybe I should do a video as well. A brief sentence or two about the movie I watched.

I have a lot on my plate already but would love to do this.
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