Tuesday, August 17, 2010

movie review - Explosive Manilness

If ever there was a manly man movie that grew hair on the chest of everyone in the audience - male or female - it is The Expendables.

The movie is excellent for what it is - putting together a dream cast of action stars in one over-the-top, balls-to-the-wall action flick with explosions, killing, guns, and knives. Whether or not the story makes sense is up to the viewer, but we’ll get to that. Let’s talk about that cast.

Movie Review - Fighting Evil Exes

Whether you hate him or love him, Michael Cera is quite good at playing some awkward teen in love. The film adaptation of a comic book, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World opened to a very disappointing weekend while the big name action movie took the top spot. Even still, the movie has garnered an irrevocable cult following amongst geeks, for which the movie seemed heavily marketed towards.