Friday, June 11, 2010

Breaking Dawn. Two movies.

Breaking Dawn, the forth and final book in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga, will now be split into two films, the first being released in November of 2011.

This whole scenario seems oddly familiar when the final book of Harry Potter had been split into two films. Is this a way to gain more money from the hordes of fans both franchises have or are they really just dedicated to giving the finale of each work as much dedication as needed?

Yes and no.

While the seventh Harry Potter book seems to need two films to cover the sheer amount of action, story, and character development that the book has, Breaking Dawn seems just the opposite. There does not seem to be any need for the two films as the book does not have much to offer. The basic story is simple and it may be a bit obvious as to where the split would occur, which may mean no Vampire Bella in the first film. Breaking Dawn was a very weak ending to the series, reading like a gigantic epiloque then an actual end. Its going to be very interesting to see what they can possible pack into two films with very little - it seems - to work with.

Twilight: Eclipse (the TRUE ending to the series) releases on June 30th. I'll be at a midnight showing after a release party with friends.

[Also, I'd like to note that Harry Potter and Twlight seem to trade off release months. Eclipse is June this year, HP is Nov this year. They seem to switch off next year. Maybe they do not want to step on each others toes. A pretty smart move]

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bit more excited to see Harry Potter then I am the Twilight movie. I was a huge Twilight fan, but the movies really turned me away from the fandom. Kristin Stewart IMO really can not act, and I can't understand why she was chosen as Bella.

    Even with them splitting the Harry Potter movie into two I don't think they will get all of the details into the movie. The book was FULL of little individual events leading up to the final fight, and from what I've seen of the Harry Potter movies they tend to skip the small stuff. Either way I will be at the midnight showing for both movies.
