Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The End is Near - Harry Potter's finale brings memories

I was twelve years old when I first read The Sorcerer's Stone. My good friend and partner-in-geeky-crime presented me with the book when we should have been listening to our teacher. I begin reading it right there in class - the rest is history as they say.

Now, nearly twelve years later, the series still enchants me and its millions of other fans across the world. From the books to the movies to the video games to the toys to the shiny new amusement park, Harry Potter is a phenomenon to be reckoned with.

And now the final movies are being release.

On November 19th, Part One of what is sure to be an amazingly accurate and action-packed finale begins. Deathly Hallows has Harry and company on the run from the powerful and intense Lord Voldemort. Part 1 will not show their final showdown, but it will not be a snooze. The first 24 chapters of the book is packed with situations and settings ranging from fight scenes on broomsticks to weddings to emotional deaths. Part 1 is sure to not dissapoint.

I am devoting the entire week to Harry.
November 15 - watching Sorceror's Stone and Chamber of Secrets
November 16 - watching Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire
November 17 - watching Order of the Phoniex and Half Blood Prince
November 18 - relaxing all day, taking an after noon nap, and going to a midnight release of Deathly Hallows Part 1!!!!
November 19 - possibly seeing the movie again with sane people who do not go to midnight releases

There are plenty of things I have left to do in this fandom, like visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, Florida, but this movie brings tears. What has been twelve years of my life all comes down to seeing the seventh book come alive on the screen. It's incredibly, hauntingly beautiful, and I can not wait till midnight strikes on the 19th.

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