I've been going to anime conventions since 2003 and it never ceases to amaze me how awesome the people I meet are. I come from a rather small, rural part of South Carolina and there were probably five anime fans in my highschool, all who were my friends. when i look back on those times when i was attempting to find myself in the world and lost in the ruralness of smalltown, usa, i knew that i was apart of something bigger then i, but still small enough to feel exclusive: the anime subculture. As i used the internet to fuel my needs for this geeky part of myself, i stumbled upon conventions. Grabbing my best anime friend and escaping away for the weekend to the convention (Animazement 2003) i still remember arriving at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Convention Center and seeing a Sailor Moon cosplayer. Right then. Right There...i knew that conventions were a place i wanted to be for the remainder of my life. I was 14 at my first convention. i am now 22 and continue going to geeky getaways at conventions. I have met some of my closest friends there and i wouldnt have it any other way. I've had good expierences and bad expierences. I've found love. I've lost love. I've done some crazy things. I've had some fun times. All within the walls of conventions and hotels. As i broaden my convention scene to include comic conventions, multi-genre cons, and video game conventions...I will always remember where it all started - anime conventions. I look at these more adult cons as a graduating step from my fangirl days at anime cons, but there will always be a special place in my heart for those conventions dedicated to our favorite animations from the land of the rising sun.
Pictured are my convention badges to date. I'll have to update this is about a week because i will be returning to Animazement for my seventh year. The con badges are as follows:
Top Row: Momocon 2010, Nashicon 2008, Nashicon 2010 [last con badge as of today], Animazement 2003 [first con badge]
Next Row: Katsucon 2008, Katsucon 2010, Animazement 2009 [my favorite badge so far], Ichibancon 2010
Bottom Row: X Con 2009, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2007, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2008, Animazement 2005, Animazement 2006, Animazement 2007, Animazement 2008
Missing: Xcon 2008, Nashicon 2009
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